Return to Work.
Another transition.
Transitioning back to work can be a time of increased anxiety and depression, regardless of the length of your maternity/ paternity leave. Maybe you enjoy your work, but can’t imagine leaving your baby alone all day. Maybe you would rather stay at home than work in a role you’re not passionate about.
Questions arise such as:
Who will watch my baby? Will my baby be safe? How do I stay connected with my baby knowing I will miss so many moments? Will my baby remember who I am? Will this be the end of my breastfeeding journey/ will my baby be fed enough times while I’m gone? Who will soothe my baby? Am I a bad parent by choosing work over being at home with my baby?
There needs to be more support for parents returning to work after having a baby. Often, there is limited understanding of the challenges and uniqueness of this transition, which can further worsen mental well-being. I invite you to reach our for support today to feel validated and find tools in navigating this phase of your parenting journey.